FIRST Like A Mother

FIRST Like A Mother is an initative started by MECO Robotics that is inspired by FIRST Like A Girl, and aims to recognize exception FIRST moms. Checkout the stories at #FIRSTLikeAMother.

Wendy Austin

The next incredible #FIRSTLikeAMother is the one and only Wendy Austin! Wendy is a shining example of FIRST Like a Mother. She works tirelessly turning kids’ dreams into reality with her assistance in FIRST programs all across Florida. She exemplifies FIRST core values, Gracious Professionalism, Coopertition, and emphasizes that FIRST is more than just robots! FIRST builds robots, and Wendy builds people. She supports students, parents, mentors, and alumni alike, sees the potential in every single FIRST student, is honest, endlessly enthusiastic and FIRST’s best cheerleader, in addition to being an endless source of information for students and mentors alike. If she had a penny for every time she heard “so it’s like Battlebots!” she’d be the richest person in the world! We and so many others are incredibly grateful for everything Wendy does for FIRST, and we would truly not be the same without her. Thank you so much Wendy for being so amazing!

Share one of your favorite Wendy memories in the comments to show your appreciation!!